How Abuse Affects Your Gut Health
My forthcoming Idiot’s Guide to the Healthy Gut Diet (due out in May 2016) inspired this week’s blog post. So many of us are recovering...

Sexual Abuse Memoirs: They're Still Relevant
When I started this blog, I wanted to start a conversation relevant to my memoir, but I was afraid I would exhaust the subject--or that...

Why I Can't Vote for Hillary Clinton
I love listening to NPR’s Here and Now to get the rundown on issues of the day, but I’ve never commented on their website after listening....
12 Days of Rage: Margaret Cho Encourages Survivors of Sexual Assault to Speak Out
There’s a comedian named Margaret Cho. She’s hilarious. She’s also full of rage. Cho, like so many women, has been the victim of...

A Short Love Letter for Father’s Day
Photo: Dad and me, April 1974 A girl’s father is the yardstick by which she’ll measure all the other men in her life. Without my...

Lifting the Gag Order: Speak Out About Sexual Assault
“Anyone who has been the target of sexual or physical predation will know that, too often, the victim's voice is the first casualty of...